reinventing organisations

Its time to reinvent organisations….

Reinventing Organisations – A Guide to Creating Organisations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness

After writing my own post [Unfolding the future – the mindfulness of congruent organisations] about this fantastic new book by Frederic Laloux, I was invited to write a guest post in support of the book, which you can find here.

If you want to know more about how emerging organisational models are responding to a shift in global consciousness, then I definitely recommend you read this book.

Appreciative Enquiry Book

A special opportunity for positive change…

Integrating The Power of Appreciative Enquiry with the potential of The Congruence Framework

An opportunity to implement an organisational or community agenda for congruence (harmonious alignment) by adopting an appreciative inquiry approach by facilitating 4-step conversations (Discover – Dream – Design – Deliver) that focus on each of the five congruence framework factors – purpose and leadership; people and community; potential and learning; participation and contribution; and wellbeing and sustainability.

To learn more about the opportunity for creating congruent communities, please refer to my post on Appreciative Congruence.

Theory U Ego to Eco

The possibility of co-evolving a more congruent society…

An opportunity to use Theory U (Open Mind – Open Heart – Open Will) practices to emerge a more congruent society by resolving the ecological, social and spiritual divides that currently disconnect us from ourselves and others; Using Theory U to emerge our PURPOSE and opportunity for Leadership; to ‘see’ our PEOPLE and the potential for Community; to explore our POTENTIAL and our capacity for Learning; to focus our PARTICIPATION and our Contribution; and to promote new PLATFORMS to secure our Wellbeing and Sustainability – the five factors of The Congruence Framework.

For more about the opportunity to integrate Theory U and Congruence Framework thinking, please refer to my post: Presencing Congruence